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We solve well-known HVAC problems due to air and create sustainable investments!

Air and magnetite impair heat distribution and increase operating and energy costs

Radiator with untreated system fluid.


  1. Air pockets
  2. Aerated untreated system fluid
  3. Dirt and magnetite

A treated system fluid provides increased heat efficiency

Radiator with filtered, degassed and pressurised system fluid.

  1. Radiator with filtered, degassed and pressurized system fluid.

A. A system fluid full of dirt and magnetite clogs the system and impairs heat transfer.

B. Air in clean system fluid
impairs heat transfer and
creates corrosion.

C. A degassed system fluid is free of air and oxygen. Then heat transfer increases and corrosion stops.

D. stable system pressure creates the conditions for the correct flow in all parts of the property.

TTM MAG cleans and separates dirt and magnetite from the system fluid effectively.

vacuum degasser

TTM NoXygen® removes the air in the system fluid by vacuum degassing. The system fluid regains its ability to conduct heat and reduces corrosion.

TTM GeniX® creates a system pressure free from pressure variations that provides an optimal system flow.

This is how the air comes in to the HVAC system

  1. Automatic top exhaust vales also absorbs air if the pressure in the expansion vessel is too low.
  2. Press fittings let air into the system even if the coupling is pressed properly
  3. Expansion vessels and radiating floor heating let air into the system due to diffusion. Plastic and rubber are materials that aren´t gas-tight
  4. Radiating floor heating let air into the system due to diffusion. Plastic and rubber are materials that aren´t gas-tight

What symptoms does the air cause in an HVAC system?

  1. Dirt and magnetite deposits The oxygen in the fluid causes corrosion that, in its turn, forms magnetite and dirt.
  2. Cold radiator and noise. If the radiator has uneven heating you have air in the system.
  3. Reduced flow capacity The gases in the fluid damage pumps and give impaired pump capacity.
  4. Unstable flows. The gases in the fluid give unstable flows and systems that are difficult to control.
  5. Reduced heat conduction. Gas bubbles on surfaces that transfer heat reducing the efficiency.

75% of all fault reports from residents in multi-dwelling buildings relate to excessively cold indoor temperatures!

Did you know that the most common complaint from tenants is cold radiators? Install a TTM NoXygen® vacuum degasser and get rid of the air in your heating system. This will save you and the property owner, from unnecessary fault reports and emergency calls. With TTM NoXygen® you get happier tenants, lower the maintenance costs and a heating system that lasts longer.

How to avoid clogging of dirt and magnetite in the underfloor heating coils.
Swedish Fortum - Why install a TTM NoXygen® vacuum degasser
Energy efficiency with TTM NoXygen® at Promenaden housing association in Falun

After a renovation involving pipe replacement, Botkyrkabyggen had recurring problems with cold apartments.


After a renovation involving pipe replacement, Botkyrkabyggen had recurring problems with cold apartments..


The HSB housing cooperative Brf Bryggaren in Eslöv had problems with gases in the system fluid in its heating pipes.