
Uppsala University Hospital – burn injury centre, Uppsala

Project facts:

Delivery of 32 pcs Shuntopac units with SME and SM valves during 2011

  • 2 pcs Shuntopac Dynamic for radiator system
  • 17 pcs Shuntopac Dynamic for ventilation system – heating
  • 13 pcs Shuntopac Dynamic for ventilation system – cooling

Well-balanced heat

The client was looking for a solution that would be cost-effective but high quality, not least when it came to exact temperature control.
TTM Energiprodukter could offer a modern solution based on shunt units with dynamic FlowCon control valves. These valves are known for giving excellent control because they are pressure independent and automatically balance pressure changes in the system. Like any valve, they regulate on the basis of need, depending on factors such as the outdoor temperature or activities in the premises, but balance in the system is maintained and no individual unit can affect other units in the system in an uncontrolled manner. This means exact temperature, comfort and flow for each system unit can be guaranteed.

Uppsala County Council, Uppsala University Hospital.

Renovation of heating and ventilation system
in a hospital.

Cost-effective replacement of old shunt units for heating and cooling in a ventilation and radiator system.

Shuntopac with FlowCon SME/SM valves.

Shuntopac Dynamic


Product facts:

Shuntopac with FlowCon SME/SM valves:

  • Primary side factory adjusted
  • Pressure independent primary side
  • Cost-effective total solution