
Friends Arena in Stockholm

Project facts:

  • Late changes in temperature specifications led to new flow requirements and requirements for a change in the shunt units. TTM made adaptations including to the control valves in the supplied shunts, for a fast, convenient solution.
  • Supplied products
    – Shuntopac, 37 pcs, for heating and cooling.
    – NoXygen, for heating and cooling.
    – Glycol mixing tank RTB, 4 pcs.
  • Miscellaneous
    TTM was selected as the subcontractor for shunt units, degassers and glycol mixing tanks to Installationsbolaget, which was responsible for the HVAC installations,
    representing more than SEK 80 million.
    Client: PEAB.

Shunt units, expertise and willingness

The Friends Arena contains kilometres of pipes for heating and cooling systems, 18 fan rooms with 37 shunt units to control the climate and indoor environment so that artistes, sports people and audience members have a comfortable and pleasant experience of the arena. TTM contributed knowledge, products and qualified solutions under tough time pressure, not least during the 2012 summer holiday season.
After the procurement in 2010, TTM Energiprodukter won the contract to deliver components to Installationsbolaget’s system installations, which were planned to take place during the period January 2010 to July 2012. Around 30 shunt units were ordered to control the flows in the arena’s heating and cooling system.
For optimised system fluid, it was planned from the outset to stipulate degassers in the procurement. TTM Energiprodukter resolved this with NoXygen in the cooling and heating systems.
However, during the commissioning of the shunt units, the technician from RETEK discovered that certain flows would require larger control valves. The shunt units had already been installed, but they must now be altered. And Kalmar-based TTM Energiprodukter would play a crucial role.
When the problem was described to TTM, they worked with RETEK to devise a solution that involved adapting and replacing certain valves on already installed shunt units. TTM’s shunt units are designed so the control valves can be replaced even after the shunt unit is installed. This meant the desired flows could be achieved.
One of the biggest challenges within the project was to succeed in supplying and installing everything before the arena was to be inaugurated. TTM’s delivery accuracy and ability to quickly change the products to new specifications made a crucial difference.
For TTM, the 2012 summer holiday period largely consisted of identifying the changes required, acquiring new components and drawing up information about what needed to be done on site for the changes to be done smoothly and on time. This meant that Installationsbolaget, under the leadership of Sven-Olov Walger, could resolve the new challenges on site.
Flexibility amongst the organisations involved: The efforts of RETEK, Installationsbolaget and TTM Energiprodukter, and the willingness of their employees to go that little further to resolve the customer’s problems, were rewarded. The Friends Arena could be inaugurated as planned.
In a project as extensive as the Friends Arena, it’s assumed that the unexpected will happen at some point. That’s when you rely on having chosen the right collaboration partners, who can resolve any problems as they arise. “We made the right choice, and we’d do it again,” says Sven-Olov Walger at Installationsbolaget.

Shuntopac shunt unit.


Product facts:

  • Designed so the control valves can be replaced even after the shunt unit is installed.
  • All SHUNTOPAC shunt units that are designed and calculated are allocated a product code that describes the design and technical specifications.
  • Fire and corrosion-proof housing in metal.
  • Total cost (purchase, installation and operation) is optimised.