Flexible placement

Small footprint

Easy to install
TTM Shuntopac® FlexFit pipe bends

Home » Shunt-units » TTM shuntopac Accessories » SHUNTOPAC FlexFit pipe bends
TTM Shuntopac® FlexFit pipe bends are delivered
pre-assembled 20-40 Komp, 20-50 V / K / VÅ.
Exempel på monteringsalternativ med TTM Shuntopac® FlexFit:

Mounting example with TTM Shuntopac® 20-50 V.

Modell | X | Y |
20-40 Komp | 115 mm | 160 mm |
20-50 [DN32] | 115 mm | 200 mm |
20-50 [DN50] | 154 mm | 215 mm |

TTM SHUNTOPAC® 20-40 Komp is a compact shunt unit for radiator, ventilation and underfloor heating systems where pumps with union connections have been selected.
TTM Shuntopac® 20-50 V is a shunt unit for conventional radiator, ventilation and underfloor heating systems.
TTM SHUNTOPAC® 20-50 K is an environmentally approved shunt unit for conventional and district cooling systems.
Simonsland in Borås
When Kanico created a new district in the town of Borås, they chose TTM to supply shunt units for the HVAC systems. The area is called Simonsland and contains 60,000 m2 of buildings.
TTM Energiprodukter was one of the suppliers in the construction of the prestigious Copenhagen Opera House Together with their reseller, the company succeeded in winning the deal and delivering 98 different shunt units.
NCC are building their new head office at Järva Krog in Solna. The new head office has a strategic and easily accessible position adjacent to the E4 motorway.