EPD certified shunt units - Shuntopac® Green Line
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TTM SHUNTOPAC – EPD certified shunt units
EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration, which is an English term for environmental product declaration. An EPD describes the product’s environmental impact throughout its entire life cycle, from the manufacturing and transportation of purchased raw materials, through the manufacturing process, and finally the operation and recycling at the customer. An EPD therefore provides product-specific environmental information that can be used when a life cycle analysis (LCA) is to be done for an entire building or part of a building.
An EPD is usually valid for three to five years and must follow the standards for the sustainability of construction works, environmental declarations, and product-specific rules. This allows for the comparison of different products’ EPDs if they belong to the same product category. EPDs are reviewed and approved by independent and certified bodie.
TTM’s environmentally profiled shunt units Shuntopac® Green Line have EPDs that follow EN15804:2012+A2:2019/AC:2021 and ISO 14025 standards, which are classified at the highest level, Type III. This means that parameters affecting the indoor environment, noise levels, use of hazardous chemicals, energy and material use during manufacturing, and emissions from production are declared, reviewed, and approved by a third party certified body.