Prefabricated custom shunt unit

Prefabricated customised shunt unit in two modules

When the need is to control temperature and flows to the ground source heating system for the whole Huddinge Centre, it tends to require a shunt unit of significant size. Prefabrication is the most cost-effective solution, the input to the sub-central unit the main limitation.

  • Flexible two-module design for easy transportation and placement in limited areas
  • Weight: 2 300 kg
  • Dimension: 1.9  x 1.9 m
  • Insulated with AF/Armaflex AF-19 mm/E


Making the HVAC consultant’s ideas a reality required a developed sense of small dimensions. TTM’s engineers began to design a solution. The functionality had to fit within a foot-print of 4.5 x 2.2 m, but the biggest limitation was still the entrance, the 2 x 2 m door.

Huddinge Centrum, like many city centres, has had problems with slippery, dirty and wet streets in winter. Apart from the risk of slipping and the fact that walking in slush and mire is not much fun. Heated streets make it incredibly easy for shops, which otherwise have a solid job of keeping the ground clean and dry.

The installation was carried out by HP Pipes, which was integrated into the TTM design. Despite due to its weight of 2.300 kg, it was easy to handle and two men were able to transport it into the sub-centre with hand trucks, installing the unit in less than two hours.

The prefabricated special designed shunt unit consists of two modules within the dimensions of 1.90 x 1.90 m, the door to the building was 2 x 2 m. Assembled, it took up minimal space and received immediate positive comments.

 What a great thing! Exclaimed Patrik Wilund, the responsible installer from HP Rör when he first saw it.

The HVAC system that supplies Huddinge Centre with heat also had a TTM NoXygen vacuum degasser with TTM MAG 76 magnetite filter installed. The system is kept oxygen-free and energy efficient to give the ground source heating maximum performance.

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Simonsland in Borås

When Kanico created a new district in the town of Borås, they chose TTM to supply shunt units for the HVAC systems. The area is called Simonsland and contains 60,000 m2 of buildings.


TTM Energiprodukter was one of the suppliers in the construction of the prestigious Copenhagen Opera House Together with their reseller, the company succeeded in winning the deal and delivering 98 different shunt units.


NCC are building their new head office at Järva Krog in Solna. The new head office has a strategic and easily accessible position adjacent to the E4 motorway.